Decathlon Mini-Marathon
The course around Apeldoorn has for years been known as one of the most challenging races in the Netherlands. Participants run through the beautiful wooded surroundings of Apeldoorn and Hoog Soeren. The runners proceed across the Kampsteeg to the highest point of the route (100 metres above ANP). Start point and finish line are in the ‘Royal’ Loolaan.
A maximum of 4.000 participants is set for this distance, so register quickly!
The fee for this distance is € 21.
All runners who have registered and paid will be sent the racenumber by mail if they live inside the Netherlands. All participants will receive a confirmation letter.
Participants living outside of the Netherlands, will receive their racenumber when showing the mentioned confirmation letter at the desk in Schouwburg Orpheus on the day of the run. Schouwburg (Theatre) Orpheus is very close to the startlocation. Please collect your racenumber at least 30 minutes before the start.
Route + Height profile
Dressing rooms
There are various dressing rooms where you can choose from.
– Orpheus theater, Rabobank room, no showers.
– Gym on Burglaan 44 / Bosweg, the entire gym is available for changing clothes, showers available.
– Gym on Heuvellaan 1, the entire gym is available. There are showers available.
The changing rooms are a short walk from the start / finish and Orpheus.
Medical care / refreshments posts
Refreshment posts are at the 4,3; 10,2; 14,3 km kilometre points of the route, providing water, tea and fruit. At the finish sports drinks and tea are handed out.
Medical care is available at the start and finish line as well as along the route. A Red Cross post is at every refreshments post.
IMPORTANT! In due course, complete the information on the back of your starting number so that we always know who we are dealing with in the event of an emergency.
Starting boxes
You must specify an expected end time when registering. Based on this, we will classify you for a certain starting course (W, A, B or C). The starting box will be on your starting number. At the entrances of the starting sections on the Loolaan there will be a check if you are in the right section.
Time limit and results
Runners have till 14.45 hours to reach the finish line. At the finish sportdrinks and tea are handed out.
Results will be published immediately after the race.
The first 8 ladies and gentlemen receive a prize amount.
Memento / prize money
All runners who finish the Mini-Marathon receive the special Midwinter Marathon Memento.
When registering you can indicate whether you want the medal engraved with your finishing time. You can also decide this after the run. The engraving mode can be found in Orpheus.
Prize money for men and women for the first 8. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 (overall women and men) will be honored shortly after the finish.
As soon as the results are available on the website, it is also possible to download a personalized certificate stating your name and result and an indication of your position.
In the week after the “Midwinter weekend” you will receive an aftermagazine with your personal finish photo and photos and videos from all distances. So you can enjoy it again!
Can I still register on the day itself?
Post-registration is not possible. This applies to all distances from our event. You can only register online. Look for more information on the relevant distances page under “registration”.
Do you use chips for time registration?
With the Midwinter Marathon the chip is integrated in the starting number. The use of this chip is mandatory, other chips cannot be used. You can take the start number (with chip) home afterwards. The starting number with chip can only be used once and is therefore not suitable for other events.
How do I get my starting number?
If you live abroad, you can collect your starting number on the Sunday of the Midwinter Marathon in Theater & Concert Orpheus on presentation of the confirmation e-mail.
How do I get to Theater & Concert Orpheus on Sundays?
Click here for all information about accessibility on Sundays.
Are there starting sections at all distances? And how is the classification determined?
Starting courses are used on Saterday and Sunday. The letter of the starting box in which you must start is stated on your starting number.
The starting courses are in principle determined on the basis of the specified, estimated, end time. Invited competition runners always enter the front competition section (section W). This is supplemented by runners who can prove that they can meet the criteria for placement in starting area W. If you want to qualify as a fast runner for a place in start section W, you must indicate this when registering. This can be done by referring to a result in a competition of the same length or longer, which has been running in the last 2 years. These criteria are different for men and women and for each distance. Self-registered times, included in, for example,, do not count as proof. The specified result must make clear that you can realize the following end times:
- Acht van Apeldoorn: Men faster then 26:00, Women faster then 30:00
- Mini-Marathon: Men faster then 56:00, Women faster then 1:10:00
- Asselronde: Men faster then 1:30:00, Women faster then 1:50:00
Whether one is allowed to start in Start Section W therefore has nothing to do with having an Athletics Union license or with the age category in which one starts. The rest of the runners are divided over the other starting sections based on the specified end time.
If you have already registered and you want to adjust your estimated time afterwards, send an email to After the registration period has expired, however, nothing can be changed.
Is there again a certificate available this year with my result?
As soon as the results are available on the website on Sunday, it is also possible to download and print a personal certificate.
For the marathon on Saturday there is no certificate available.
Can I park at the start?
No. On Sundays, there is a parking ban in the area around Theater & Concert Orpheus and Loolaan (towing-away arrangement!) In addition, a number of roads have been closed. The police are also fining wrong-parkers in order to prevent nuisance for residents in surrounding streets. The Orpheus parking garage is also not available on Sundays.
Participants from outside Apeldoorn are therefore urgently requested to use the transferia and shuttle buses as much as possible or to use public transport.
Can I check if my registration went well?
On the “Register” page there is a link (“Control link”) to a form with which you can check whether you are registered correctly.
When using the Transfer Form (only possible in January), the new information will NOT be visible via the Control Link.
Can I transfer the starting number to someone else?
If, for whatever reason, you cannot participate in one of the distances of the Midwinter Marathon, there is a possibility to transfer the bib number to another runner. The way in which this should be done differs depending on the moment.
Before the closing of the registration period (until 27 December 2024), it is possible to transfer the registration via the Change Form. The link to this change form is present in the confirmation email that you will receive immediately after you have registered. If you have transferred the registration to another runner in this way, please forward the link to the change form or the confirmation email that contains the link to the new runner. He/she can then make any changes him/herself.
After the closing of the registration (after 27 December 2024), the above method will no longer be possible. The bib numbers have now been taken into production and will be sent to the address with which the registration was made. If you still want to transfer the starting ticket, please use the Transfer Form using one of these hyperlinks:
Saturday (Marathon):
Sunday (Mini-Marathon, Asselronde, Acht van Apeldoorn):
This allows you to transfer the bib number so that the new owner is correctly mentioned in the results and in the app.
Please note:
- You can only make the change when you have the bib number at home (this number is different from the reference in the confirmation email)
- The first name is on the bib number and cannot be changed
- The starting area is on the starting number and can no longer be changed
- It is not possible to change the distance
Transfer is free, but the organization does not accept any responsibility regarding the physical transfer of the bib number and the transfer of registration fees.
Can I get myself removed from the results list?
Participating in a part of the Midwinter Marathon means that you agree with the publication of name, result, photo and video on the internet. Removal from the results is therefore not possible in principle. Only if there is a demonstrably very serious reason can you process a request for removal from the result by us.
Can I have my end time engraved in the medal?
On Sunday, after running the Asselronde, Mini-Marathon and Acht van Apeldoorn it is possible to have your medal engraved with your end time and name in Theater & Concert Orpheus (stand Winterman Sports). If you want to make use of this, check the box with the engraving medal on the registration form. With pre-registration the costs are € 8. On the day of the event you pay € 10 for engraving.
Can I cancel my registration?
It is not possible to cancel your registration. You do not have to unsubscribe. Since we do not have your starting number (you will receive it at the specified address), we cannot re-issue this starting number.
If you cannot participate, you can redo your starting number. Then check if there is already a Transfer form on our website to transfer the starting number to another name. This Transfer Form will be published on our website around the time the start numbers are sent (end of January). If the transfer form is filled in correctly, the details of the new runner will be stated in the result.
Refund of the registration fee is in principle not possible. The 14-day cooling-off period – which applies to the online purchase of goods – is also not applicable here. This statutory cooling-off period does not apply to a leisure activity agreed on a specific date.
If you want to transfer your starting number to another runner / runner before the end of the registration period, this is also possible by passing on the details of the new runner / runner via to the organization.
However, the organization does not regulate the payment of the registration fee of the new to the old participant.
Can I start in another start box?
It is only permitted to start in another start box if the new start box is further back. So you have start box B, but you want to start with a friend in start box C, then you can. But start box B to A is therefore not allowed.
Until when can registration be made?
Registration closes on January 5, 11.59pm *). If you register before this time and your payment is received by us, participant living in the Netherland will receive starting number and further information by mail. Participants living abroad can pick up the starting number and further information in Orpheus on Sunday on presentation of the confirmation letter.
We do not use a waiting list for runners who were late in registering. So it makes no sense to send us an email about this.
*) If a distance has reached the maximum number of registrations, the registration for that distance will be closed. That can therefore be earlier than the aforementioned date. For more information, see the relevant distance page under “registration”.
Where can I find information about the course?
On all distance pages you will find a “tab” Route map, Altitude profile and Course video. There you will find the information about the course.
When will the results be available?
The results of all distances can be found on our website on Sunday evening.
Which sports drink is provided?
Our partner provides the sports drink service.
At the refreshment stations along the way, sports drink (lemon flavor) is distributed in cups.
After the finish you will come to a sports drink street consisting of 15 tables with taps where runners can fill their cups themselves. In addition to the lemon flavor, other flavors are also available here.
Are the changing rooms within walking distance?
On Sunday, most changing rooms are a short walk from the start / finish. The shuttle bus between Transferium West and Orpheus (start / finish) stops both on the way there.
Changing rooms:
- Theater & Concert Orpheus, no shower facility
- Changing facility Burglaan 44/Bosweg, shower facility
- Changing facility Heuvellaan 1, shower facility.
Are there any pacers that we can follow?
Runners from athletics club AV’34 will act as pacers during the Acht van Apeldoorn, the Mini-Marathon, the Asselronde and the Marathon.
For the Acht van Apeldoorn (8 km) the target times are: 48, 56, 1.04 minutes.
For the Mini Marathon (10 English miles) the target times are: 1.10, 1.20 and 1.30.
The target times for the Assel round (25 km) are: 1.55, 2.05, 2.15 and 2.25.
The target times for the Marathon Trail (42 km) are: 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00 and 5.30.
How are the pacers recognizable?
They are recognizable by a yellow vest with the word PACER on it. A white balloon hangs above their heads, the target time is on the balloon. Each pacer has 2 starting numbers, 1 on the chest and 1 on the back. The start time will also appear on the start number. All pacers have the same color start number, orange. The name ‘pacer’ appears next to the end time.
Are there refreshments on the way?
On Sunday (Asselronde, Mini-Marathon, Acht van Apeldoorn) there are refresh stations en route. Click on the relevant distance and look at “refresh points” for more information.
Medical details on the back of starting number
For your own safety, we ask you to enter the medical details on the back of the starting number. If a medical incident occurs, the emergency services know how to act.
How to get your racenumber
Where can I get my racenumer?
Participants living in the Netherlands and enrolled before end of registration period, will get their racenumber sent to their home-address. Participants living outside the Netherlands will receive their racenumber at AV’34 (for the marathon on Saturday or Theater & Concert Orpheus (near to the start) for the distances held on Sunday. There will be a separate desk where you will receive the documents after showing a print of the confirmation mail that you did receive after subscription.
Please get your racenumber no later than 30 minutes before the start.
Can’t find your answer? Then view our frequently asked questions page.